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Juice It Now!
One of the best things you can do for your total mindbody health is JUICE! There are other things too in my top 5 list of simple but...

Very Fat Body: It may now be socially acceptable but it still isn't good for you!
When it comes to weight, it has long been acknowledged that losing it is easy (relatively), but that maintaining your new shape is the...

Why You Need A Health Coach
Eleven million people a year die from poor nutrition - 90, 000 of these in the UK, according to the latest reported statistics. Most of...

Renewing Yourself
Spring is here , daylight is increasing - and yes even some sun! (Blink and it may be gone) Get out there and feel it on your face at...

Quality Supplements to your door
£9.50 P+P free in UK Turemeric has so many benefits as befits a super spice - you can read my post on this for more info. This is in...

Why Sports Massage?
When I mention that I see a sports massage therapist, I often find that people think this is only someone an athelete or sports person...

Trendy Turmeric
This is the most bought food supplement by my clients! They repurchase and also recommend to friends, such is their happy experience of...

Super Skin Nutrients
We want multiple benefits from our natural skin foods namely, exfoliation, toning, moisturising, cell regeneration and collagen growth...

Raw Food in Winter - are you crazy?
If the thought of eating raw when it is cold makes you shiver, you are not alone. It is far far easier to eat raw in warm weather under...

Why Eat Raw Food?
By not killing enzymes through heating food at high temperatures, your body can make use of all the nutrients, and so it is fully...
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