Juice It Now!

One of the best things you can do for your total mindbody health is JUICE! There are other things too in my top 5 list of simple but effective changes - but one at a time.....
Start simple. One juice a day. Not shop bought. Make at home from FRESH produce.
Basic decent easy to clean juicers are about £60 with the ultimate ones for juice pros £300+ NOT to be confused with nutribullets or similar -which are blenders for smoothies not juices (unless you get involved in sieving through a mesh bag -all very messy and drippy and not even worth it)
Best easy- to- start- on juice:
1 cucumber
1/2 lemon ( don't juice with skin on )
1/2 " ginger root
4 full (lady) handfuls of spinach leaves
2 small apples
2 sticks celery
SO cleasning SO refreshing SO GOOD FOR YOU!
Start your day with this and you will zing all morning.
Why? Because all those nutirents ( vitamins/ minerals) are getting straight to your cells. Already broken down for easy assimilation.
Celery and cucumber are mega stars- great on their own, but working best as a duo like Ant and Dec.