Mark - UK - 52
Two big surprises are the change in my mood and​ I no longer have any internal pains.
I'm a lot calmer and I seem to deal with stressful situations a lot better. I hadn't realised how badly it affected me until now.
No internal pains either, which I have had for some 8 years and that is very pleasant. I thought that was it , internal pain for the rest of my life and it was just the food I was eating causing the problem. Simple to solve and pretty obvious really when you think about it!!!!!
Who'd believe that just changing what you eat could have such amazing side effects and not ones I ever thought of.
I am eternally grateful for the support you have given to me.
I hadn't realised I had been, for some time, on a downward spiral of lethargy being over weight and on reflection
almost defeated by life it self, not good
Then I meet you and that has now all changed
Josie - W. Australia - 62
Helen gives sound advice as to how to tweak and improve your present diet in regards to various health issues that you may have.
It’s a matter of evolving to find the right balance to meet the needs of your body at different stages in your life. And finding the motivation to make these changes.
Helen is there to guide you in this evolution and to encourage you along the way
And I found an unexpected bonus. Helen made me aware of magnesium cream - that it bypassed the gut and was able to be instantly utilized by the body when absorbed trans dermally in the exact spot that it is needed.
I was already orally taking the maximum amount of high strength magnesium that my body (gastric system) could tolerate. Helen initially suggested magnesium cream to help with my fibromyalgia. But when I was getting severe cramping in my legs and feet waking me from sleep I found magnesium cream a saviour. I now make up my own magnesium cream and have shared it with many others who cramp up, have restless leg syndrome or R.S.I. type of issues. And I use it as a cream when trying to relax unhappy tight muscles with massage.