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An overweight body is a toxic body. It is practically impossible to avoid toxins in our food, water, and most living environments. When the liver becomes overworked, toxic matter gets stored in fat cells away from the important organs  in order that they can continue to function. So that protective layer of fat is doing  exactly that - protecting. However, by cleaning up the body and reducing the toxic load, it allows the liver, kidneys and panceas to do their jobs. 


Letting go off this fat layer can be emotional as well as exhilerating. 


You need to free up your thoughts instead of letting them enslave you. When you eat in a state of anxiety - worrying that the pounds will pile on - you stress your body and it reacts by storing fat. Turning around your thoughts takes time and consistency. I can help you with this.





So, If I am skinny - I hear you say -  I must have a clean body. Well, whilst that sounds a nice idea, it is not strictly the case. If you are eating plenty but still underweight, then your body is not working as it should. Your thyroid may be out of kilter which is not good.  You may not be absorbing nutrients and this is not healthy either. 


Often underweight people eat carbo and fat packed foods that are completely lacking in any kind of nutrition. Just empty calories. Reaching a healthy weight is essential for a fully functioning body.


Eating to gain weight means eating several times a day, but it also means eating the correct foods to nourish and rebalance your body.




Yoga Practice


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