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Chalkboard Lesson # 4

Super Foods  part one

Firstly, what makes a food SUPER? As opposed to simply  on trend because someone wants to market it and make lots  of money? 


Well, to please me,  it has to have several functions and not be so ridiculously expensive that you can't buy and eat the precious thing. 


Technically a true superfood (all one word) is a complete source of nutrition in and of itself. Like blue green algae, or bee pollen. A food that contains all nutrients essential for us to live and thrive. However, of course we are not going to consume one such superfood and nothing else. That is purely for illustration of the diference between a superfood and super foods...


The following foods are super(b) and where possible should be inorporated in high amounts in your diet. 



Arugula - aka Rocket


How to eat:


A salad leaf known to most of us now, spicy yet with an edge of bitterness, I honestly can eat this by the handful on it's own but I am, it has to be said,  a litle unusual in these respects. Base a green salad (celery, apple cucumber),  aound this : add some avocado, lemon juice, olive oil , balsamic or  cider vinegar, a sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper and you are good to go. 


Why to eat:


It is high in beta carotene and sulfer.

The bitter aspect of it is indicative that it aids the liver - any bitter plants and herbs stimulate bile production or flow. 

It is an akaline food which neutralizes acid waste in the blood and lymph. 




Coconut Oil


How to eat:


As a spread on bread/toast. Melted over veggies. Blended into smoothies/sauces. Added to home made raw chocolate.


Why to eat:


It stabilizes blood sugar levels, therefore keeps hunger pangs at bay,.

It restores or blances thyoid funtion.

You will not get fat on it. 

It repairs skin  from within because it is does not go rancid or is damaged by heat like all other oils, which in turn get lodged in cells and create wrinkles although 'tis true, this is not the only gateway to Wrinkleland - it is also accessed by a heavy sugar consumption.





How to eat:


Juiced. In a salad. Sliced and spread with peanut butter. I'm currently eating it chopped up, with celery. apple and this dressing: 


3 sundried tomatoes (softened) 

1 tablespoon nutritional yeast

1 stick celery chopped

2 tablespoons ground seseame seeds 

dash of lemon juice

smoked paprika 

Whizz all in blender with a little water. Pour over the  chunks and dive in. Rocket (see above) always a good addition. 



Why to eat:


I eat  at least a large one per day and I'm not even kidding.

They are an excellent kidney cleanser. ergo they help the skin stay clear and bright. 

High alakaline content again means neutralizing any acidity in the body.

They are extemely hydrating - and best eaten/juiced with celery, as these two work synergistically. 





How to eat:


Do I really need to write this - just bite into them!  I'm simply unable to get as far as putting them in a recipe as I have no self control where fresh figs are concerned. As vice's go I'm not embarrassed. However, they are delicious in salads and smoothies. For full super benefits do eat raw not cooked. And fresh over dried, but dried's OK.



Why to Eat:


They are extremely high in calcium - bioavailable that is - so we can absorb it easily. Forget dairy, eat figs for this mineral.

The seeds in figs aid in drawing out and reducing waste, parasites and muscus in the intestines. 

They work well as a natural laxative. 






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