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I'm a mum of 4 daughters , 1 son , and  Mad Granny to 2 more girls . I home  educated my five special people zillions of years before covid forced so many parents to do exactly this.  I always knew I didn't fit in (and didn't want to most of the time) and frankly, found it hard to make sense of this crazy world we have created.


Nature is the counterbalance - by connecting with the elements we realign with our spirit, our light body, our connection to all that is, whilst embracing the human- ness of ourselves. 


As a(n) holistic healer, I feel the closer we can be to nature and living simply, the easier it will be to return to wholeness or full health.  We all have this blueprint, our bodies are meant to heal themselves.


My intention is to inform and aid you to make changes in your life - and these can be small steps, there is no race or competition. We are continually learning and experimenting with ourselves and our environment as long as we draw breath.



It's exciting.

Life is meant to be enjoyed.

Be barefooted and barefaced.

Be you.





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