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Why You Need A Health Coach

Eleven million people a year die from poor nutrition - 90, 000 of these in the UK, according to the latest reported statistics. Most of these deaths are related to heart disease and diabetes.

It has never been easier to eat healthily, there is so much information on how to do this and all variety of apps to download. YET the paradox is that it has also never been easier to eat badly. The massive rise of take - out meals, usually fast foods laden with salt, sugar and MSG has caused high levels of obesity ( related to heart disease and diabetes ).

Clearly something is not working, and igoring the dubious reasons why governments around the globe still do not legislate against these silent killer foods, it is apparent we need to protect our right to good health!

We all intend to eat better, live healthier BUT yes the big BUT ( leading to a bigger butt ) is that most of us start out with enthusiasm and then well - stop.

The most important thing in buliding a healthier life is consistency, and to be consistent easily, we need to ENJOY what we eat.

( You will know you have hit this when you don't want to deviate from your usual foods when on holiday. )

Having a health coach on hand is the same as using a personal trainer to get your level of fitness up. You will be committed and motivated and most inportatntly SUPPORTED in your health goals.

It makes far more sense to prevent illness, diseases and early signs of ageing than to try and reverse them later.

A health coach such as myself will not just look at the nutritional value of what you are inputting, but will help you break down mental barriers and consider the emotions related to any heatlh issues.

If you are looking for that brighter, shinier you, I am only an email or phone

call away .

" Health is not just being diease - free. Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with joy. " Sadhguru



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