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Energy Healing

Written by me for Balance magazine : )

Some of the most commonly known modalities of energy healing are Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Emotional Freedom Technique, Craniosacral therapy, Crystals, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Magnotherapy, Massage, Somatics, and the use of Sound. However, as most healers will tell you, these are simply techniques to encourage the body to heal itself. I must admit, the first time I was informed of this I was not impressed, as I had gone to a therapist expecting them to throw some healing shapes so to speak, and fix me. Not from inherent laziness you understand, but from having tried all I could in my field of knowledge at that time.

Energy medicine works from within, and we are very much a part of our own healing. In fact unless your energy healer tells you they are simply the facilitator of your healing and that it is very much teamwork, you do best to look for another. When we are in a weakened state for whatever reason, having someone channel energy to us acts as a catalyst for healing to begin. The strong energy they can project boosts our own, and sets off and supports the healing process.

It is becoming ever more accepted, due in a large part to the proofs from quantum physics, that we are born with the ability to recharge, renew and repair ourselves. Sadly, we have long been taught that we need outside interference, which often includes invasive treatment or drugs of some kind. We have been conditioned to think that we cannot trust our own judgement about how we feel.

Trusting Ourselves Again

By way of example, it concerns me to see the amount of people using inhalers without a second thought of the long term side effects. These inhalers were in rare use only 20 years ago. When my son was prescribed one for asthma aged 10, I uprooted and moved us 200 miles away to the sea, to prevent him needing to use it. I knew a lot less about energy healing then, but having seen how he could breathe without restriction during a beach holiday, it’s not hard to figure the salty sea air with its negative ions contains huge healing energies, to say nothing of walking barefoot on the sand with all the earthing/grounding benefits. Incidentally, magnesium is a muscle relaxant and used with great success in treating asthma.

Reaching back further in my memory bag, in the 70’s I wrote a diary entry after weeks of empty pages, about the fact that my older sister had taken a headache pill. This is how rare it was! Now, a vast amount of us pop them on a daily basis thinking nothing of it. How much better to seek out natural ways to heal the issues which are creating the need for painkillers or bronchodilators.

When something is amiss with our health, it is a message from our body, nudging us to fix the root cause. As renowned naturopath Barbara Wren so wisely states, our bodies are always working for us, not against us. Energy healing embraces this and aids the body to release trapped trauma, be it emotional, physical, psychological or inherited.

How Does Energy Healing Work?

The simple explanation is that energy healing works by restoring energy flow in the body, all systems can function at optimum capacity. When there is an imbalance or blockage somewhere and this flow is affected, toxic build up occurs – again this can be physical, emotional or psychological. You may be more familiar with this energy as chi or qi and know that this travels through our body via meridians and chakras.

According to Dr. Pawluk, an eminent authority on magnetic field therapy: “ All healing processes are—fundamentally—electromagnetic. Healers who use “energy” modalities work via electromagnetic activity. Healing may occur via the meridians, on an etheric level, and at the physical level—or on many levels simultaneously—and these changes are facilitated by electromagnetic activity. Therefore, the healer, the healing environment, and the attitude of the therapist all play roles because of the “energy sharing pattern” between the healer and the person being healed. In this way, the molecular environment is changed on an electromagnetic level”

Is Energy Healing too “Woo Woo” for You?

I’m willing to bet most of you reading this haven’t heard of Light Language. Not because I’m being particularly psychic about it, but rather, I’ve been my own survey monkey and everyone I mention it to hasn’t a clue. At first it seems gobbledygook or gibberish, but it works along the same principles as any other technique mentioned above. It carries vibration and light codes which start work on our bodies, and over time restructures and repairs. In fact it is described by one practitioner Rob Duvall, in a very similar manner as that of Dr Pawluk:

“Light Language healing works through vibrational transfer at the physical and subtle energetic body levels. A good way to describe it is waves of energy that interact with the multiple, interconnected aspects of your being (electromagnetic fields being one way to refer to some of these) for a specific purpose.”

Light language can be sent from a distance, like Reiki, and comes in a variety of sounds, some of which may appeal to you more than others. Of the ones I have discovered so far I’m particularly drawn to Marlene Cronin, a lovely Irish lady who exudes warmth and normality and Bridget, a wonderess young wizardess in the land of Oz, imparts much wisdom and truth.

If distance or remote healing seems impossible to you, then do explore the quantum physics experiments that demonstrate the reaction of cells separated by thousands of miles. From personal experience I know it is possible, having been in receipt of both hands on and remote healing from the late Barefoot Doctor who was indeed a master at directing chi, from over the hills and far away. Youtube carries many free distance healing vids but to save you sifting the gold from the dross, here are three I happily recommend, all very different personalities: Jerry Sergeant, Lara Waldman, Zoe Devi

Musically Sound

The use of sound is part of Light Language healing, but of course it is used as a stand alone method of energy healing. Every cell in our body responds to frequency and vibration and the Solfeggio frequencies are a range of tones which have different effects: 528 Hz is used to repair damaged DNA, whereas 963 Hz activates the pineal gland. Of course, music that is not infused with these frequencies can work at lifting our spirits and imbuing the feel good factor which reverberates through our bodies and jiggles us about internally in a good flowing way. Bass notes in particular have a profound effect, having been shown to increase oxygen levels in the blood which consequently builds a stronger immune system.

Drumming similarly stimulates immunity, releases blockages and negative feelings and also can act as pain relief. Better than pharma drugs, although admittedly, harder to carry in your handbag. Really, for any energy healing think of the native tribes of yore. Those who lived on the land and were part of the land felt the energies and knew how to work with them. How brilliant that quantum physics can satisfy the need to know how something works, to be able to believe it will work.

Having Faith in the Healer

We all resonate with different people and have preferences in how we choose, but if after your first visit/ connection you don’t sense the healer’s power – ie unconditional love and a nonjudgmental open heart essence, move on until you do. You will know when you are in the presence of this. Although many experienced healers may use similar methods, all healers are not the same.

Also, a point worth noting, is the expectation we often hold in regards to healing. Impatience often rules, as we have been conditioned into a quick fix response hence the ‘lose pain fast by taking a tablet’ mentality. Healer and author Gill Edwards wrote in ‘Conscious Medicine’, that trying too hard to heal often fails, because by trying too hard we are not trusting in our bodies (and we try too hard because we want fast results), so we then more deeply embed the message that we are fragmented and splintered.

If you are seeking help from someone, you need that person to fully believe in your recovery, for them to see you as whole, and not the fractured or damaged version you may feel you are. This really is of paramount importance and a very different approach to conventional medicine that does indeed see us as broken in various parts and tries to mend in bits. Which makes no sense.

Our cells are all connected, so energetically speaking what happens to one, happens to all. Consider this: if all cells are healthy, then no disease can take hold, it matters not what name or term it is given to classify it. Healing of anything means healing at a cellular level and for this, our energetic fields need to be aligned and flowing.



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