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Renewing Yourself

Spring is here , daylight is increasing - and yes even some sun! (Blink and it may be gone) Get out there and feel it on your face at least. Sunlight is essential for our bodies and ideally we would all be sunbathing naked 20 mins a day ( sans sunscreen ) to allow for full soakability.

However, this is unrealistic for most of us ( been there, done that, loved it, now lost the tan ) so we need to find ways to nose ourselves out of Winter hibernation and renew our energy.

Simple ways to do this are add in a juice or smoothie each day - gradually moving the heavier winter- dense foods to the periphery as the weeks progresss. Eating seasonally is great for us, as we are naturally in time with the rhythms of nature -it is simply that most of us have lost the ability to recognise this, having become so alienated by 'normal' modern life.

Another very simple thing you can do for your health is bounce yourself fit and well. A good rebounder ( not trampoline! ) can be bought for around £60 - £80 and just a few minutes bouncing each day will get your lymph flowing and those toxins moving out of your system. Even disabled people who are unable to exercise can benefit from this by sitting on it and someone bouncing them!



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