Why Eat Raw Food?

By not killing enzymes through heating food at high temperatures, your body can make use of all the nutrients, and so it is fully nourished. Raw does not have to mean stone cold. It is perfectly possible to make a raw soup and then gently warm. It is also possible to make a cooked soup and then add a lot of raw ingredients as it cools down a half and half version.
Theoretically, I can eat 100% raw and just eat grated carrot and lettuce leaves, but that is not feeding my soul. I am too much of a foodie! I have spent too many years denying myself, to want to do anything other than enjoy what I eat.
Ironically, this is the argument many would use for not going raw.
I’m not here to persuade you. I am here to offer you another way of looking at eating and preparing food.
Gradual transitioning is the key word when moving from cooked to raw, and there is no deadline for when it should be completed. Deprivation is not the goal, but feeding yourself with nutrient rich foods most certainly is. The quicker you eject the processed foods from your life, the sooner you will feel better, but go for the long haul.