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I have come to dislike and mistrust quick fixes, and piecemeal approaches to health. They appeal to us because we are so used to grabbing the nearest thing to make us feel better whether it be a coffee, sweet cake, cigarette, pills etc etc. Whilst there are some supplements that will enable you to feel better, a holistic approach is needed to optimize health and vitality. This applies to all of us whatever our gender but most especially to those going through hormonal changes.

The food pyramid above is the place to really make the changes. Now comes a time of life that can be miserable or enjoyable the choice is yours!

You choose what to put in your mouth, also no doubt you do the shopping for the house. So make your shopping count, fresh ingredients. Less- if any flesh- (fish, fowl of otherwise) , no fast foods, no bung in the microwave foods, NONE!

Instead plenty of simple fare, juices, smoothies, (non milk) salads...get creative. It is perfectly possible to make an amazing raw curry for instance. The beauty of eating a raw diet is that if you swap over from standard fare you will be able to eat just as much and lose weight. You will feel satisfied after meals but not bloated and full. .

One of the best raw recipes books is "Live Raw" by Mimi Kirk looking FABULOUS in her 70's!

However, along with watching what you eat, there are a few other additional steps you can take.

Minerals and Herbs

The liver has a massive workload when the hormones swing madly about, so this is one organ it is particularly important to support and/or cleanse during menopause: " The liver is attempting to deal with the transition that the woman’s body is going through as well as with the onslaught of hormones. Sometimes it does not function optimally as a result. Women can become overly sensitive to foods and chemicals at this time because of these imbalances. According to Dr. Carolyn DeMarco, an under-functioning liver along with a poorly functioning digestive system can exacerbate menopause symptoms. Because estrogen is broken down in the liver, it is vitally important to reduce stress levels, improve your diet and decrease your exposure to xenoestrogens to keep your liver healthy. Proper bowel function and proper digestion are also necessary."

(More on what xenoestrogens are, and how to avoid them at the bottom) To support and aid the liver in detoxifying the Chinese herb Schizandra is excellent. It has just recently been hailed the top herb by Elwin Robinson, master herbalist. I have been using it for years on and off, and love it because for one it tastes good..almost like rosé wine. This is a good place to start. It comes as berries or in tincture form you can buy from NYR ( Neals Yard Remedies)

and from Elwin here: Schizandra

For particular help with drying, sagging skin : Dendrobium is used to balance hot, dry conditions, to replace damaged or lost fluids and to relieve thirst, depression and deficiency fever as a result an illness. Dendrobium also helps to generate beautiful skin.

Lionheartherbs : Dendrobium Another excellent herb is Maca for these reasons:

" With regular use, Maca will improve or eliminate hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, insomnia, fatigue, low energy, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness and low sex drive.

Women who suffer from ‘brain fog’ will be thrilled to know that it brings mental clarity.

It also helps to reduce the negative effects of stress, and helps overcome depression.

Many athletes take Maca because it boosts energy and endurance levels. Taking Maca root whole-food supplement will keep your appetite satisfied and help your body produce dopamine to keep you feeling happy and energized.

Maca contributes to significant bone rebuilding and bone density improvement.

Some people notice Maca’s beneficial effects within two weeks, others might take up to 3 months. To increase its effectiveness over time, herbalists recommend using any herb for one or two months then take a week off, then start another cycle of one or two months." (

Iodine is important to support all hormonal actions, you can buy from below and if you are conversant with your iodines , you may wonder why I am not suggesting nascant...simply because the one here is less cleansing ie gentler. We really do want to bring the body and mind back to vitality (and homoeostasis) as gently as possible. There is gain without pain and you do not need to feel the burn at all!

Lionheartherbs : Iodine

MSM (organic sulphur) taken in combination with Vitamin C

MSM is an excellent detoxifier hence it's value here. It works synergistically with vitamin C. It is not stored in our bodies so needs to be taken daily.

Further Reading

The most excellent book by a lady who has been through 'the change' herself but is also an ob-gyn so she knows her stuff, and is an easy read. She will fill you in on HRT and bioidentical hormones and direct you to where to go for what!

The Wisdom of Menopause : Dr Christiane Northrup

This is just a short blog on some very effective steps you can take - for more indepth help please contact me.

The Baddies: Xenoestrogens

Research shows that xenoestrogens are not only linked to high rates of breast cancer, but also contribute to endometriosis, precocious puberty (unusually early onset of puberty), infertility, and miscarriages. In men, xenoestrogens are believed to contribute to decreased sperm counts, and prostate and testicular cancers. Other health problems such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, and behavioral abnormalities in children, may also be linked to xenoestrogens interfering with the estrogens naturally produced by the body.

Guidelines to minimize your personal exposure to xenoestrogens:

  • Choose chlorine-free products and unbleached paper products.

  • Avoid all pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.

  • Use filtered water to drink and bathe in to avoid chlorine.

  • Whenever possible, choose organic foods.

  • Buy hormone free meats and dairy products to avoid hormones and pesticides.

  • Use chlorine free tampons, menstrual pads, toilet paper, paper towel, coffee filters, etc.

  • Reduce the use of plastics whenever possible.

  • Do not microwave food in plastic containers.

  • Avoid the use of plastic wrap to cover food for storing or microwaving.

  • Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food.

  • Do not leave plastic containers, especially your drinking water, in the sun.

  • If a plastic water container has heated up significantly, throw it away – do not drink the water.

  • Don’t refill plastic water bottles.

  • Avoid freezing water in plastic bottles to drink later.

  • Buy food grown locally and in season, organic if possible.

  • Peel non-organic fruits and vegetables.

  • Use chemical free, biodegradable laundry and household cleaning products whenever possible.

  • Use chemical free soaps and toothpastes.

  • Avoid creams and cosmetics that have toxic chemicals and estrogenic ingredients such as parabens and stearal konium chloride.

  • Minimize your exposure to nail polish and nail polish removers.

  • Use naturally based fragrances, such as essential oils.

  • Read the labels on condoms and diaphragm gels.

  • Minimize X-rays whenever possible.

  • Be aware of noxious gas such as from copiers and printers, carpets, fiberboards, and at the gas pump



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